
Lesson number 2

Taxies in UK are different and drive you everywhere smiling while London is swinging and blowing in the wind.
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7 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Smiling. Definitely smiling.

elena petulia ha detto...

Sejo, are you outing, out there?? :-)

kabalino ha detto...

oh, cacchio...

fiamma ha detto...

e poi fanno questo pazzesco esame che si chiama the knowledge e conoscono qualsiasi stradina sperduta o vicolo dimenticato:)

Anonimo ha detto...

Eventually, it's a coming out. You're not that gay, are you? Nonetheless, my dear expat bartender, my dearest, I'm not coming out. Not yet. Too cold outside. Just sowing the seeds of love.
You see, «I love a sunflower and I believe in love power».

Ewige Blumenkraft!

elena petulia ha detto...


Anonimo ha detto...
